The Expressing Trust Checklist
Expressing trust involves both verbal and non-verbal communication. Here are some ways people commonly express trust:

Open Communication: Sharing thoughts, feelings, and information honestly and transparently.
Reliance and Dependence: Depending on someone to fulfill their commitments and responsibilities.
Vulnerability: Being willing to show your true self, including your strengths and weaknesses.
Giving the Benefit of the Doubt: Assuming positive intentions in the absence of clear evidence to the contrary.
Empathy and Understanding: Demonstrating compassion and trying to see things from the other person's perspective.
Delegate Responsibility: Entrusting someone with tasks or decisions that affect you or the situation.
Active Listening: Paying attention to what someone is saying, showing that you value their input.
Consistency in Actions: Following through on promises and commitments consistently over time.
Non-Defensive Attitude: Being open to feedback or criticism without becoming defensive or dismissive.
Respect for Boundaries: Respecting someone's personal space, privacy, and autonomy.
Maintaining Confidentiality: Keeping sensitive information shared in confidence private.
Support in Times of Need: Offering assistance or being there for someone when they face challenges.
Celebrating Successes: Sharing in someone's joy and celebrating their achievements.
Apologizing and Forgiving: Acknowledging mistakes and forgiving others when trust is breached.
Building Long-term Relationships: Investing time and effort into nurturing and maintaining the relationship.
Remember, expressing trust is a mutual process. It requires both parties to be open, honest, and reliable. Building and maintaining trust is a fundamental aspect of healthy, meaningful relationships.